No sir, Senator. There is no Rafah in the great state of Georgia. Rafah is a town in the Gaza Strip. But you already knew that right? Or is Rafah in one of those left-over states out of the 57?
Now, Barky, let’s talk, mmmmmmkay??? Did you already know that taking money from Palestinian citizens is illegal? Just asking. I was wondering, though, since so many have complained about your lax online contribution form, why have you continued to leave your form open to this type of illegal donation. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago that you had to donate the $2300 online contribution from your Chicago neighbor, Iraqi prison escapee and Rezko-bribe-loving former Minister of Electricity, Aiham Alsammarae.
Remember? I do.
You sure do have a lot of friends in interesting places, Mr. Obama.
The Real Barack Obama tells us that Monir Edwan and Hosam Edwan from “Rafah GA” donated $29,500 to Barack Obama’s campaign. They just happen to be members of a large Hamas-Supporting clan.
Speaking to WND, the two brothers praised Obama and admitted giving the money online to his campaign. They said they are not U.S. citizens but are citizens of “Palestine.”
But wait! Before you judge these innocent men from the nonexistent ”Rafah GA,” they said it’s all about Obama T-shirts. After all, Barack Obama is indeed very popular among Israel-bombing folks. So, the enterprising brothers bought a boatload of them and claimed to be Americans living in Georgia. Cool. No problem there, right? Nothing sneaky or anything, right?
The donations would violate election laws, including prohibitions on receiving donations from foreigners and guidelines against accepting more than $2,300 from one individual during a single election, Bob Biersack, a spokesman for the Federal Election Commission, told WND in response to a query.
I can’t help but imagine that all of Obama’s little helpers who love his “Manifesto” over in Gaza might have worn these T-Shirts while they made cold calls to American voters during the primaries–urging voters to vote for Obama. I know that all Americans can’t help but think that a call from Gaza City the day of a Primary is a good thing. Truly, Mr. Obama is a Global candidate when it comes to the Middle East. Minus Israel of course. No sense of hanging out with the only pesky democracy over there, right?
You can read more about the two T-Shirt Totin’ Hamas-lovers from “Rafah GA” here.