Breaking News from Mark Halperin and The Page. Governor Ed Rendell tells the PolitikerPA:
“I’m going to cast my ballot for her, and then the moment I cast my vote, I’m going to continue to enthusiastically support Sen. Obama. It’s going to be a good release for all of us.”
He said this in his interview with the PolitikerPA:
Gov. Ed Rendell, in an interview with today, lauded the resolution reached last week that will allow Clinton’s name to be placed in nomination, before U.S. Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) ultimately accepts the party’s presidential nomination.
“I think Sen. Obama was extremely generous, and I think it’s good not because it will display any disunity, but because it honors the hard work of so many people who supported Sen. Clinton,” said Rendell, who was one of Clinton’s most visible and vociferous campaigners during the run-up to the state’s April primary. “Many of the Pennsylvania delegates worked their heart out for Sen. Clinton, and they’re excited to cast a vote for her. From my vantage point, that will be closure for them.
Rendell thinks it will be closure for Hillary’s supporters. The only way it will be closure for Hillary supporters is if she is the nominee. Hillary is still the best choice for the Democratic Party.
It is a little too late for Obama to try to woo us over. We are reminded each day that Donna Brazile said there is a new Democratic base and most of us aren’t welcome. Then Obama tells Hillary supporters to just “get over it”.
Thanks Governor Rendell but your promise to vote for Hillary in the Roll Call just isn’t enough.
Governor Rendell, remind the Super Delegates Obama has some real issues, issues that could result in defeat for the Democratic Party in November. Here is the worrisome list of issues (by no means inclusive) that elected delegates and SDs should consider before voting for Obama, False FEC filings, Votes in the IL Senate on the live birth measure, Illegal contributions received from the three brothers in the Gaza Strip, then there is the issue of his birth certificate (a petition drive is underway) to demand the FEC insist that Obama release a certified copy of his birth certificate, continued association with ACORN, a company with a history of voter fraud and misuse of taxpayer money and finally there are his poll numbers, tied with McCain for the third time in two weeks.
See you in Denver!